Praying Mantis: the 3D Test

Apr 26, 2014 No Comments by

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As robotics grow ever closer to being a part of our every day life we are looking for simple ways to give them the toolsets they need to properly function in our world. 3D vision is a very important part of that! Some researchers at the Newcastle University in the UK are testing praying mantis' using 3D glasses and a 3D display to see if they can place an object within the striking distance using negative Z (coming out of the screen) to determine the inner workings of the insects ablity to compreend spacial coordinates and distance using stereoscopic cues. 

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Praying Mantises are the only invertabrates known to have stereoscopic 3d vision. 

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The makeshift 3D glasses were placed using beeswax. 

We are very excited to see how this project progresses!