3D Series Coming This Summer!

Apr 11, 2014 No Comments by
imgres 3D Series Coming This Summer!
Today I got a chance to chat with Andrew Murchie and ask him a few questions about the wildly hilarious 3D web series being launched later this year. Andrew is based in Edinburgh UK and runs Enhanced Dimensions a Stereo 3D Animator and Filmmaker. 
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When do the episodes start coming out?
"We are currently editing whilst shooting the final few scenes and we hope to start sharing episodes in our summer – with a little luck first one should be out in July. It’s been a longer process than we’d hoped as we have to film this around everyone’s paying work and availability. Almost everything took longer than we’d hoped. In reality it’s a large production to be doing on a negligible budget – we’ve effectively got 6 x 10 minute episodes for about $2000. We had aimed to raise about $5000 to $6000 so we could afford better costumes, props and such like and had also hoped we would be able to actually pay people involved, especially the actors for whom this is their livelihood but we’ve had to make do with what we raised. Fortunately I already had all the 3D kit required, or invested further outside of the production budget, so there’s no equipment hire fees and all the money we did raise could be used to cover basic costs."
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What was the hardest scene to shoot so far?
"It’s been such a fun process working with the cast and crew that I can’t say any scene was particularly difficult to shoot. Our second last weekend was a tough one though as we were shooting for about 13 hours so pretty much on your feet all that time. I slept well that night though! Personally I found the hardest scenes were the ones where I had to step out from behind the camera and be onscreen – I’m not very comfortable in front of the camera. We had an occasion where a last minute problem meant we lost quite a key actor on the day we were shooting, but with around 14 other people all ready to go we had to just do it so it was between Jose our cameraman/editor and myself between who would stand in… and i drew the short straw!"
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Who and how many people are involved in Crime Squad 3D?
The number of people involved in this series is actually pretty phenomenal – and we’ve be so lucky everyone has given us their time and massive effort for nothing more than train fare and keeping them fed. I couldn’t list everyone here however the core team are:
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Amanda Marment
Tamas Fazakas
Clair Myychael
Magnus Sinding
Robert Howat
Nick Cheales
Nick Forrest
Colin Cuninghame
James J Robson
Lisa Glen
Fraser Fulton
Kris Anderson
Plus a host of others!
Andrew Murchie (Obviously)
Rhiannon Grist
Jose Climaco
Maciek Samulski
Lucas Kao
Dale Peet
Rosie Murchie
Dominic Suominen
There’s also a load of thank yous which we’ll cover in the credits as so many people and locations helped us along the way.
What's the funniest thing to happen on set?
"We were laughing so much during the shoot it was always a concern we might ruin a take – the funniest moments bizarrely seemed to revolve around improvised often inappropriate interactions with donuts – hopefully most of these shots will  make the final cut so I don’t want to share too much! There’s also a pie-in-the-face gag, which can never fail to please… well I laugh at it."
Thanks Andrew, we cant wait to see Crime Squad 3D this summer!
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