Head of Sky 3D remains optimistic

Mar 06, 2013 1 Comment by

wide sky 3d logo 475x140 Head of Sky 3D remains optimistic


Despite negative coverage about the take-up of 3D TV services, John Cassy says Sky 3D is “in very good shape.”

johncassy 240x300 Head of Sky 3D remains optimistic

In an interview with TechRadar, Cassy didn’t reveal too many details but said that about 400,000 homes having 3D is a good speculation.

When asked how many of those homes are actually watching 3D, his answers were more vague: “It's driven by events as much as anything. We've evolved our strategy to focus on the key events so, as an example, Sunday [had] F1 testing, then over to the North London derby and then Got to Dance – the Sky One's reality show – that's three different big shows, all live and all in 3D.

BSkyB have been conducting ultra-high definition tests and it is a format that could support, rather than replace 3D, especially glasses free 3D according to Cassy: “We have a watching brief on Ultra HD and 4K. Actually what we have been doing, the Attenborough shows have all been filmed in 4K – and in some cases 5K – so they have been captured and future-proofed in a sense, as far as we can. But we're playing around with it."

He continues: "There are very clear benefits that 4K gives 3D. The resolution is better and also it could help in glasses-free 3D because it enables that whole resolution and picture quality.  For my mind, high quality glasses-free TV at a price that the average house can afford is a matter of when and not if. It's going to happen, it's just a question of when and the technology we see – we have as much of this as we can – is definitely coming along. It's a bit of a way off but it's coming along."

Read the full interview on TechRadar here.

John Cassy will be speaking at the 3D Creative Summit March 27th to 28th.


  • Pete.

    We have a 3D tv but don`t subscribe to sky 3D because you have to buy the entire sky package which is a rip off.