Festive 3D hologram style app released for Windows phones

Dec 22, 2011 No Comments by

HoloPhone 3D have just released a fun free version of an app that appears to display a hologram of a snow globe on the screen of Window’s based phones.

review dividing line Festive 3D hologram style app released for Windows phones

SnowGlobe 3D allows the user to interact with the festive scene using a phone’s accelerometer. Shake the phone and the more it snows. Swipe your hand across the screen and a gust of wind blows the snow in the same direction. Tapping the screen will switch the holiday tree lights on and off.

HoloPhone 3D are releasing the app for free for a limited period of time without ads. The warm fire-lit house is situated inside a Star Trek style Holodeck grid. Of course, it is not true 3D or a true hologram but given the ability to look ‘around’ a 3D object does provide a clever 3D illusion running at 30 fps.

Ratings have ranged from one to five stars with most awarding it five out of five. Producers CodeCrab also offer a premium application exclusively available on Windows Marketplace. For 99 cents, people can access 24 other similar holographic experiences.

Below is a video of the SnowGlobe app. Click here to read more about HoloPhone 3D.