Stereo 3D MEDIA Summit 2011 Explained

Aug 30, 2011 No Comments by

3D Stereo MEDIA : A well-designed ship, capable of fending the stormy “sees” of stereoscopic-3D by Jacques G. Verly

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We hear rumors that 3D or, more specifically, stereoscopic 3D (S-3D) cinema and broadcast are stalling; however, the “problem” is not the science or technology of (S-)3D, but the way these are used to build consumer products and to create 3D movies, often a little too hastily. I am sorry to say to the pundits that the R&D in 3D is well and alive, and continues happily, without a blink – perhaps an allusion to shutter glasses – without paying much attention to the unavoidable ups and downs of the 3D market.

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For me, the science and technology of 3D are here to stay – for the long term -, just as it has been for over half a century, sometimes hidden in the Skunk Works of research labs. My message to you is: stay the course of 3D, and watch the incredible developments that are bound to happen, e.g. in holography and beyond. If you worry about the decline of 3D movies, just remember that it is definitely possible to built both very-high quality 3D movies and 3D visualization systems (displays, projectors, …). However, you need to know the secrets of working with 3D. The best way to being privy to them is to attend 3D Stereo MEDIA !

Hi! My name is Jacques G. Verly. I am the original instigator of the idea of creating, out of Liège, Belgium, back in 2008, an event dedicated to all aspects of 3D. I am also one of the three main organizers of 3D Stereo MEDIA (3DSM) , together with Pierre Collin and Alain Gallez. Liège is a university city strategically located in the heart of Europe and with a history of over 1,000 years. Significantly, it is also the hometown of the cinema and broadcast powerhouses EVS and XDC. It is important to know that 3DSM was created from the start to cover all aspects and applications of 3D. In fact, everything was still very quiet on the “western front” of S-3D cinema during the initial planning stages of 3DSM .

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The best way to ride out the ups and downs of the 3D market is to have a strong scientific and technical content, and high standards of quality. This being said, one of the strong points of 3DSM is that it is designed to be at the convergence of science, technology/engineering, and art, and that it brings together scientists, engineers, and artists, as well as businessmen, investors, and end-users. I believe that the end-to-end S-3D processing chain from acquisition (or generation) to visualization is one of these unique playgrounds where scientific-minded people and artistic-minded people MUST interact. As I travel worldwide, I generally hear very positive comments about 3DSM . The two compliments that come up most often are the quality of the content and of the organization, and the conviviality of the event. In this last regard, we focus exclusively on 3D, so that our event is human-sized, as opposed to being spread over a zillion exhibition halls.

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So … what's new for 2011? In accordance with the principle of smoothing out the ups and downs of the 3D cycle, we introduce this year a brand-new scientific conference called the “International Conference on 3D Imaging” or IC3D for short. I am really keen on pronouncing “IC3D” as “I see 3D”. Frankly, I don't remember whether I came up with the pronunciation first and the title next … We expect to make a major announcement very shortly that IC3D is technically co-sponsored by a major engineering society.

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Another major innovation for 2011 is our brand-new 3D film market called the “3D Film Mart” or 3DFM. This is a new tool that we have specifically set up and designed to answer the issue of the lack of availability of a sufficient number of S-3D movies of high quality, and to boost their production. This project is organized with the help of the European Commission (EC), which provides partial funding. The EC stamp will give the market high notoriety and visibility. 3DFM was launched last May on the Belgian Pavilion at the “Festival de Cannes”, in the presence of the Minister of Economy of our region.

Please, meet us on , Linkedin, Facebook, or Twitter, and join us next 7-9 December in Liège, candidate city for the International Expo of 2017, at the doorstep of Brussels, and close to Germany and The Netherlands.