ESPN 3D Broadcast NBA Finals on Sky 3D in June

Jun 01, 2011 1 Comment by

Basketball Shot ESPN 3D Broadcast NBA Finals on Sky 3D in JuneSports continues to prove itself to be the dominate genre for 3D as ESPN 3D and Sky 3D once again join forces to broadcast a major sporting event – the 2011 NBA Finals. Sky 3D viewers and pub goers drinking in one of Sky’s 1500 + Sky/LG 3D pubs around the UK and Ireland will be able to get close to the basketball action over the next couple of weeks.

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Following on from the ESPN 3D coverage of the Winter X games in February and 2011 FA Cup Final on May 14th (shown as a branded block on the Sky 3D channel), UK viewers (and home sick Americans) will be able to watch the 2011 NBA Finals between the Miami Heat and Dallas Mavericks live in 3D from today.

The ESPN 3D coverage will include every game of the best-of-seven series and the ESPN HD channel will compliment the footage with a regular 2D HD broadcast.

The 3D feed on the Sky 3D channel will be directly received from the ESPN 3D channel in America – there will be no repurposing for the UK audience, proving how the frame compatible side by side 3D format can span continents.

ESPN 3D have been busy producing 3D sporting events ever since the channel was launched in June last year, going 24/7 in February this year.

The NBA Finals in 3D will cap a season in which ESPN has produced seventeen NBA matches in 3D. Coverage will be taken from nine native 3D cameras including an Ultra Slo-Motion camera, a wireless ESPN 3D Truck ESPN 3D Broadcast NBA Finals on Sky 3D in Junehand held 3D camera and robotic cameras above and below each basket.

"Sports have been the key driver of consumer use and adoption of technology and innovation repeatedly through the years, and that continues today with 3D TV," said Murray Barnett, vice president, ESPN Media Distribution.  "The NBA, Sky 3D and ESPN 3D are all innovation leaders in the sports world, and this collaboration will benefit fans in homes and pubs around the UK."

John Cassy, Channel Director, Sky 3D added "We're delighted to once again partner with ESPN to deliver an ever greater variety of 3D sport to our customers.  Sky customers enjoy the broadest range of live sports in 3D anywhere.  In addition to our own world-leading 3D production capability, we continue to work with other 3D innovators like ESPN to ensure we offer the breadth and depth of 3D sports content that our customers demand."

Fusion 3d system 300x250 ESPN 3D Broadcast NBA Finals on Sky 3D in JuneCAMERON-PACE FUSION 3D systems were used to capture all NBA Finals of Miami  heat vs Dallas Mavericks. James Cameron, Vince Pace and Patrick Campbell founded CAMERON-PACE group this year and has already supplied equipment and expertise to 25 global feature productions and 60 live 3D sports broadcasts. For the NBA finals, CAMERON-PACE delivered 12 FUSION 3D systems per game and a 48 foot workflow unit, the Shadow One™, for the live 3D HD broadcasts. CAMERON – PACE Group is currently collaborating with ESPN to supply FUSION 3D for live 3D sports productions throughout the US on the ESPN 3D network.

espn 3d glasses ESPN 3D Broadcast NBA Finals on Sky 3D in JuneThe Sky 3D channel has extended its broadcast hours to accomodate the ESPN 3D NBA coverage throughout the next couple of weeks (Sky 3D usually ceases broadcasting at midnight). All the games will be simulcast on Sky 3D, ESPN HD and ESPN.

The 3D NBA Finals coverage continues tomorrow at 02.00 on Sky 3D with game 2 after tonight's repeat of game 1 was shown at 19.00.

2011 NBA FINALS:  ESPN 3D, SKY 3D and ESPN Schedule

GAME                       PROGRAMME               TIME            

Game 1   
Tues. May 31         Dallas at Miami            2:00AM BST      
Wed. June 1          Game 1 Repeat           19:00 BST

Game 2   
Thur. June 2          Dallas at Miami            2:00AM BST      
Fri. June 3             Game 2 Repeat            15:00 BST

Game 3  
Sun. June 5          Miami at Dallas          1:00AM BST      
Mon. June 6         Game 3 Repeat           20:00 BST

Game 4   
Tues. June 7         Miami at Dallas          2:00AM BST       
Wed. June 8          Game 4 Repeat           20:00 BST

Game 5* 
Thur. June 9         Miami at Dallas          2:00AM BST      
Fri. June 10          Game 5 Repeat**     19:00 BST

Game 6 *            
Sun. June 12         Dallas at Miami          1:00AM BST      
Mon. June 13         Game 6 Repeat**     20:00 BST

Game 7 *       
Tues. June 14       Dallas at Miami          2:00AM BST      
Wed. June 15        Game 7 Repeat**     20:00BST

* If necessary  ** If game is played

For a weekly updated Sky 3D schedule click here.


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  • VPS Hosting

    Congratulations to Miami Heat for winning the game and being the National Basketball Association champion.