Getty Images to photograph Olympics in 3D

Jul 24, 2012 No Comments by

Stock photo agency Getty Images is preparing to add 3D images from the London Olympics to its 80 million plus stock portfolio

review dividing line Getty Images to photograph Olympics in 3D

cameron spener getty images Getty Images to photograph Olympics in 3D

The Seatle based company’s UK chief sports photographer has created a bespoke 3D photography rig consisting of two digital SLR Pro cameras.

Talking to Computerworld Australia, Getty Images senior director of editorial photography, Ken Mainardis, said “The rig which the cameras sit on has to be in perfect alignment to be able to imitate the human eye to create two files which are than overlapped in post-production to form the 3D image. The way we see 3D [photography] is that it’s on the cusp of an explosion in use,”

Referring to the differences between 2D and 3D shooting Mainardis said “With 3D, it’s all about objects moving back to front so busy backgrounds, which are the enemy of 2D photography, become essential to the 3D photographer. That’s because a messy background makes the 3D image look really interesting for viewers,”

The rig, which will be used to photograph the Opening Ceremony and some of the games, was first used during the 2011 Royal Wedding and will be deployed during the 2014 Winter Olympics in Russia.

“We wouldn’t be getting involved with this [3D] project if we didn’t see a long term use for it,” said Mainardis who expects the 3D technology to become a part of everyday sports coverage.

Read the full Compuerworld Australia article here.