Stereoscopic 3D website builder adds new tools

Apr 11, 2012 No Comments by

Orbcreation – the platform that simplifies the process of building 3D websites, has added new tools and a new game teaser.

review dividing line Stereoscopic 3D website builder adds new tools

The biggest change is the streamliming of different services into three distinct channels. 3Dme has been designed for people who are not interested in building a mini-world from scratch but would like to take advantage of a series of templates. These include, My family  – a place to share video's photo's and fun with your family and friends; My top 5's  – a template that is all about you such as the '5 best meals you ever had', the' 5 best songs', the '5 best friends' etc. What's hot is where someone can share the coolest things they have found on the Internet plus there is a Hang out zone template where people can talk to friends all over the world in a unique 3D virtual space.

Next is 3Dbuild which is for people who want to be more creative. It will allow them to create their own virtual style worlds for business or fun, which can be switched to stereoscopic 3D at the click of an icon.

Finally, the producers have launched 3Dservices for those who want the Obcreation team to design a unique presentation, a webshop, a virtual customer support desk or immersive website content on their behalf. One example (picture below) is a shopping street. As your avatar walks around, a retailer's shop website appears below…

Virtual street Stereoscopic 3D website builder adds new tools

Orbceation is a website growing very fast since we reported about the launch last November. An example of the 3Dservices option is a trailer for a new game platform which can be viewed here.   Also, Orbcreation can be used to take existing content from a website and present it in a different way as you see below for this website (red/cyan glasses required). Why not check it out today and let us know what you have built and we might post it on the website! Visit

3D Focus Orbreation 3D Snapshot Stereoscopic 3D website builder adds new tools