3D Printed Heart Sleeve – Beats Forever
The heart is a truly amazing organ that beats almost uninterupted for up to and surpassing a century! It's the "almost" part that scientists have decided to tackle. A 3D printed glove for your heart has been developed and printed that can make your heart beat indefinitely!
University of Illinois and Washington University researchers created the prototype membrane by using high-resolution imaging technology and a 3D printer to fit a rabbit’s heart. The device fits so perfectly that it can maintain the heart outside the body in a nutrient-rich solution, which you can see in the video below.
This amazing new sleeve can detect troubling cardiac symptoms like arrest or arrhythmia and apply an electric shock like a traditional pacemaker. The super high efficency and perfect fit allows it to detect problems faster and needs less current to keep things working. This is made possible using the network of electrodes that stretch to fit around the heart perfectly.
Dont expect this technology to make it to the market just yet, it is designed for use in the lab for testing. Someday this technology will be able to improve the lives of those that require cardiac monitoring.