LG Launch Glasses Free Eye-Tracking 3D TV

Jul 13, 2011 2 Comments by

Another day, another 3D display – this one from LG which claims to be the first consumer 3DTV using eye-tracking technology.

review dividing line LG Launch Glasses Free Eye Tracking 3D TV

Existing autostereoscopic displays use a thin layer of material – or parallax barrier – over the screen to split the pixels relayed to each eye. They generally require viewers to stay within a tightly restricted angle and distance to perceive the 3D images. 

LG’s 20-inch D2000 monitor however sports a camera sensor which detects changes in the user’s eye position in real-time. With this information, the monitor calculates the angle and position of the viewer and adjusts the displayed image via a parallax barrier for the optimal 3D effect.

The firm’s Si-hwan Park said that LG’s position had always been that 3D will and must eventually function without glasses. “The D2000 is a look at what the future has in store,” he added.

Available in Korea this month, the product will be introduced in other markets later this year.



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