Free 3D Expert Videos Available from Ravensbourne

Aug 11, 2011 3 Comments by

rave 300x165 Free 3D Expert Videos Available from RavensbourneIn January this year, Ravensbourne hosted a two day event called 3D Storytelling. Many high profile speakers attended the free event to join panel discussions, show clips and present talks to discuss the technical and creative issues from about storytelling in 3D.

review dividing line Free 3D Expert Videos Available from Ravensbourne

It was a very successful event with over 400 attendees with product demos and multiple presentations covering 2D – 3D conversion, independant 3D film making, how to get commissioned by Sky 3D and 3D gaming.

Speakers included Chris Parks from Vision 3, Phil Streather from PLF, Andy Millns from Inition, Ruth Sessions from Atlantic Productions and Caroline Hawkins from Oxford Scientific Films. All talks were video recorded and for those who could not attend the event, you can access a selection of the videos on Ravensbourne’s YouTube channel – beats attending an expensive 3D conference!

You can watch the videos .