Sky 3D commission macroscopic bugs series with Attenborough
MICRO MONSTERS 3D, will be a 3 x 60’ series scheduled to be broadcast on the Sky 3D channel in the spring of 2013, and promises ground-breaking 3D filming techniques.
Produced by Colossus Productions (the joint venture between Sky 3D and Atlantic Productions), it will explore the extreme and deadly unseen world of bugs including "armies of killer ants, spiders weaving silken trap doors, ferocious scorpions, beetles shooting boiling chemicals, and underwater battles between dragonfly larvae and water tigers."
Atlantic Productions will call on the techniques and experience gained from The Kingdom of Plants 3D which featured extreme macro-filming of plant life at the Royal Botanical Gardens, and also included time lapse photography which is also set to be a feature of MICRO MONSTERS 3D.
It will be written and presented by David Attenborough who commented “Outnumbering humans in their hundreds of billions, the world of bugs is far bigger than ours and yet it has remained largely invisible to us – until now. New 3D technology allows us the opportunity to explore and experience the complexity and sophistication of this universe in a wholly new way, and to show the tremendous tenacity, enterprise and ferocity of these fascinating, microscopic creatures on a suitably epic scale.”
Broadcast recently reported Colossus Productions are exploring non natural history projects including 3D drama “[There are] active discussions about full-scale 3D drama for Sky and other broadcasters”, according to Atlantic Productions chief executive Anthony Geffen. In the article he also said “In terms of technology and production experience, the medium has matured to the point where we can take on other genres. First you will see us using drama inside factual productions, then next year we will move into full-scale drama."
Talking about MICRO MONSTERS 3D Geffen says: “All our previous 3D projects with David Attenborough for Sky have been ground-breaking, but Micro Monsters goes several steps further using everything we’ve learnt previously about cutting edge storytelling in 3D, but adding the chance to dive into a completely alien world – a place of bizarre creatures and strange behaviour. This will look fantastic in 3D, and we look forward to working with the team at Sky again to bring another exciting series to their viewers.”
Before MICRO MONSTERS 3D, the three part 3D series GALAPAGOS 3D will hit the screens, which uses many filming techniques explored in the previous 3D David Attenborough shows.