FLASHBACK – Headache inducing 3D technique from the 80’s
Before 3D TV was readily available like it is today, various attempts were made to bring 3D to the home over the decades. In this FLASHBACK, we get check out 'VisiDepth (paracetemol required)
“The most fascinating academic discovery I have been involved with in 30 years of messing around this kinda stuff” says one of three Carolina University professors in a feature for the 1980’s American programme That’s Incredible!
Invented in Professor Jones's small garage, Visidepth was an attempt to trick the brain into seeing 3D on a 2D TV without glasses. A processor box was key to what was described as a “major breakthrough in 3D technology.”
The following video shows unrefined examples of the technique that does not look too dissimilar to wiggle vision where the left and right images are rapidly switched on and off on-screen.
The footage is difficult to watch, however, while the system may appear poor, hats off to the early pioneers of 3D television!
(Please note, Visidepth is now the name of a 3D crystal company)