Archive for 3D Broadcasting
Daily Motion viewers to explore forests in 3D
BBC Olympics – Super Hi-Vision and Connected TV Plans
Log Media to unveil 3D TV music concept
3D channel continues to expand
UK’s Electric Sky to produce ‘mega’ 3D series for 3net

Electric Sky has been commissioned by 3net to produce a 5 x 60’ 3D series about the world’s most complex systems from transit to mega farming.
BBC Outlines 3D Olympic Coverage

The BBC’s director of London Olympics 2012 Roger Mosey, has revealed how the BBC aims to satisfy 3D viewers whilst not losing any HD coverage.
Sports IS better in 3D say viewers
Exclusive Behind the Scenes Look at Safari Park Adventure 3D
Panasonic reveal London Olympics Super Hi-Vision recorders

Panasonic have designed a system that will record the data intensive London Olympics Super Hi-Vision feed for future broadcast and archiving.
ONSIGHT opens 3D suite & builds 3D Flypack system for Sky 3D

3D production facilities specialists ONSIGHT have opened a 3D colour grading suite in London’s Soho plus they have designed a new 3D Flypack system with Sky 3D
New 3D Lifestyle Channel Launches
3net CEO – “Critical mass for 3D will be reached by 2013″

3net’s Tom Cosgrove remains optimistic that critical mass for 3D will be reached during 2012 & 2013 despite reports that American’s are not buying into 3D.