Log Media to unveil 3D TV music concept
Distributor Log Media is to debut a proof of concept for a 3D music show as well as a new 3D entertainment format at MIPTV in April with a view to attracting co-production partners writes Adrian Pennington
More details will be revealed at the market but Log Media CEO Paul Berrow, who once managed Duran Duran, is particularly excited by the music project.
“The music video world is something which I am always seeking to find a new take on,” he says. “Because music is avant garde, viewers will expect that a new medium will explore all its attributes. It has to be something unique and interesting in 2D and it has to absolutely blow your socks off in 3D. We’ve has been working on it for over a year and I believe we have finally found it though we are waiting on technical tests to be sure.”
He describes it as “a hybrid of a lot of different ideas and techniques to make it unique but music in 3D is technically challenging so it will stand or fall on the technology. We know there will be a market for it.”
Berrow is also pitching a TV entertainment format which he expects to be adopted initially by broadcast buyers in Brazil, India and the Middle East. "This will start off in 2D but we’ve designed it to then move onto 3D," he says.
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