Twitter users praise London Olympics 3D coverage
Despite poor viewing figures, the people who are watching the London 2012 Games in 3D are using Twitter to say how awesome it is
From a 48 hour snapshot of Twitter activity based on the keywords 3D and Olympics, the majority of Tweets have been highly positive with negative comments few and far between.
“Olympics in 3D is mint”, and “you should watch the Olympics in 3D it's so much better!!!!” summarise most of the Tweets. There was also evidence that some people were disappointed that they were not aware of the 3D broadcasting sooner Tweeting “This whole time there's been Olympics coverage on Sky 3D and I didn't even know !! #FFS” and “You can watch the Olympics in 3D!?? Why havent I been informed of this!”
In the minority, there were a few complaints with Tweets like “I feel bad for the 3D camera men #Olympics knowing that no one cares that you're actually shooting, getting in all the 2D people's shots.” and “Why would you want to watch the Olympics in 3D ?” being two of a very few.
3D Focus cannot disagree with the praise. It is remarkable how many venues they have squeezed 3D cameras into and the entire execution of the 3D coverage has been superb. It is a shame that the limitations of 3D TVs can make 3D viewing uncomfortable for many, especially with the reduced resolution of passive 3D TVs and flicker of active 3D TVs.
But what is does show is that live 3D sports coverage has improved dramatically in two years. Well done Panasonic, OBS and partners! #socool
A Selection of Tweets from the past 48 hours
Watching the Olympics in 3D, doesn't get better than this!
Watching the Olympics in 3D. WAH. It's making me cry.
Olympics synchronized swimming broadcasted in 3d is ridiculous & superfluous on several levels.
Why would I wanna watch the Olympics in 3D? It's bad enough seeing Anthony Davis's unibrow in HD.
I hope the 2016 #Olympics are televised in 3D.
Watching the Olympics in 3D, nothing but truly amaze.
Watching the Olympics in 3D is mind blowing. Thanks optimum.
Olympics in 3D is the one!! Track racing is sick!
The Olympics in 3D actually amazing! This is how my Olympics should have all been watched! #Unbelievable
Olympics in 3d on BBC HD channel looking great!
3D Olympics almost made me question everything I ever knew. They was straight diving off the TV!
First 3D Basketball action of the Olympics. Watching the last two quarters of the USA games and it is amazing !!
Olympics is what 3D TVs were made for!
Watching the Olympics in 3D with the @Panasonic team. So blown away, especially by the water sports.
Watching the #Olympics in 3D ! I feel like I'm in London !
3D makes my brain hurt. #olympics
Last night I was watching BBC HD 3D #Olympics 2012 coverage, my tv looked sick the athletes looked amazing!!!!!!
So good when they broadcast some of the Olympics in 3D
Watching 3d Olympics don't know why I haven’t done this before
I wish I had a 3D TV solely to watch the #olympics in 3d.
I've found tolerable Olympics announcers without requiring the BBC! NBC's 3D coverage is mega tape delayed, but announcers are much better.
Olympics in 3D. Why bother?
Watching the Olympics in 3D this shit crazy..
Watching the day's Olympics highlights in 3D on BBC HD channel for first time on my brand new TV. Wow!
Watching the Olympics in 3d….it’s crazy! #eyesaregoingfunny
Literally watching the Olympics in 3D…freaking out right now…I've never loved my TV more…thanks #Samsung
Olympics in 3D where have you been all my life