BBC to produce Doctor Who in 3D
The BBC is to produce a 3D feature length episode of Doctor Who as part of the sci-fi’s epic 50th anniversary celebrations
The special edition will get a theatrical release on November 23rd as well as being broadcast on the BBC HD channel in 3D.
According to Doctor Who's executive producer and lead writer, Steven Moffat, it is: "About time. Technology has finally caught up with Doctor Who and your television is now bigger on the inside. A whole new dimension of adventure for the Doctor to explore..
"It's a nationwide celebration of both Doctor Who and the BBC because I think they are so synonymous. We will be doing a big Doctor Who special in 3D which is very exciting and feels very innovative," he said.
"We will be doing it on cinema screens as well. We are working out the logistics of that at the moment because we need to make sure the main BBC1 experience remains absolute value for money for the audience."
As most 3D Focus readers will know, the BBC is conducting a two year 3D broadcasting trial airing its first 3D scripted drama, Mr Stink, late last year.
However, the Time Lord has been seen in 3D before. Back in 1993, a charity special episode of Doctor Who was presented as part of a week long BBC 3D special which relied on the Pulfrich technique for its out-of-screen effects.