Aiptek Pocket 3D Camera Review
Top 3 Tips For Shooting in 3D
Previously, photography was all about taking shots out of the scene – with 3D photography it is all about keeping things in. Make sure you have part of an object in front of your subject to emphasise depth. Introduce elements into the foreground – they might be out of focus but it will help to create depth.
When filming in 3D, try and make sure your subject has a clear area of space around it. Again – this is against the norm compared to 2D filimg but 3D is uncomfortable if the edge of the subject is 3D which is then broken by the edge of a TV screen. Keep the entire subject within the bounds of the TV frame.
Keep all your subjects within a short distance, ideally between 1.5 metres and 100 metres in range. Anything else will be too extreme in close up or too flat if far away.
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