Camera phone that can take true 3D (even printable) images?
Pelican images expect the first set of phones can take true 3D images using their 16 camera image array will be available from 2014.
The smart camera for smart phones is based on the light field imaging technology seen in the Lytro camera. It captures depth information rather than direct light which means parts of a scene can be refocused afterwards. According to the promotional video it also means you will also be able to look around a scene Matrix style.
It is also the first plenoptic camera to capture video (30 fps). It is not confirmed but it is likely Nokia will be the first to bring out light-field camera phones having invested in the company earlier this year.
What seems seem extraordinary is that Pelican Images claim the depth data can be used to create 3D prints of the captured scene – a wedding being an example occasion where this could useful as illustrated in the video below…