BBC Planet Dinosaur 3D available on iPlayer
The BBC’s epic CGI based 3D documentary is available to watch on demand via the iPlayer platform online and on connected TVs.
Planet Dinosaur 3D recreates the lost world of the dinosaurs in a stereoscopic production. It is one of the most ambitious animated programmes ever attempted for broadcast TV, recreating every detail of dinosaurs in an entirely digital production that stretches the boundaries of broadcast 3D.
The 50 minute documentary was first broadcast last Sunday on the BBC HD channel and is available to watch on the iPlayer until August 26th. For those of you who can use the cross eye technique you can even watch it without glasses!
Planet Dinosaur 3D is part of the BBC’s two year 3D trial. Next month, Last Night of the Proms 3D will be broadcast to selected cinemas and on the BBC HD channel.