What I Expect From MIPCOM 2011 – Torsten Hoffman
Torsten Hoffmann, Managing Partner of Global Media Consult – a distribution company that includes one of the largest catalogues of stereoscopic content , shares his thoughts, observations, hopes and expectations for MIPCOM 2011.
torsten hoffman
- It is very likely that we will see more booths equipped with 3D TVs.
- More and more distributors will have 3D titles in their portfolios.
- There will be more co-production announcements with 3D production companies, especially from the large UK and USA markets.
- We will see more press coverage about new, innovative formats.

While 3D titles may get 20% of the PR buzz, I estimate that the 3D market measured in actual US-Dollars may only be 2% of the total industry. That´s why I will be most interested to hear about first-time 3D co-pro deals by established large players.
3D sports events have been the cornerstone of almost every single new 3D offering. We all know the pull effects that Wimbledon, the NBA or the English Premier League can create. Unfortunately these events are very costly to produce (large production teams, many cameras, live coverage) and lose value almost immediately (have you ever watched last week’s game?). So, I will look out for sports related content in 3D with a longer shelf life and great 3D effects. Red Bull Media is one company to look out for.
There is no denying the fact that 3D fared very well in theatrical releases (45-70% of total box office over this summer). Now, let´s see whether these titles will also be signed on by the few 3D channels that are currently on air. Do these 3D channels have a buying monopoly on the major 3D titles and therefore make 3D TV distribution for the studios a lousy business? Or do the studios in effect create a new release window with 3D i.e. the 3D titles will be broadcasted on 3net before they go to HBO? If this is the case, we will see much more 3D content soon, in theatres and on TV. There is no doubt that 3D is a blessing for Blu-ray distributors, but will we finally see the first 3D VOD platforms offering favourable terms to content holders this year?
Finally, MIPCOM traditionally is a very international market, so will the buyers of tier-two territories finally be buying 3D content? These are some of the questions that I will seek answers to. But one thing is for sure: There will be plenty of sellers with great titles and even more producers with great 3D ideas looking for money. Let´s hope that this year 3D dimes turn into 3D dollars.


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