Legend3D creates 2D to 3D conversion solution for broadcast
As part of our MIPTV 3D coverage, sponsored by 3D specialists Presteigne Charter, we speak to Dr Barry Sandrew, CCO/CTO and Founder of 2D to 3D conversion company Legend3D where he reveals the company's intention to speed up interest in 3D television with a conversion toolset, specifically intended for broadcast, allowing for a high quality half hour conversion on a weekly basis.
In similar news to what Steve Schklair told us yesterday (CEO of 3ality Technica and friend of Dr Sandrew), Legend3D will also use part of their new round of investment to subsidise the cost of conversion for studios and broadcasters.
3D Focus: Despite ever improving conversions, do you think conversion studios like Legend3D still have some convincing to do in terms of public perception?
Dr Barry Sandrew: Today we, at Legend3D, can confidently say 2D-to-3D conversion is comparable to camera-captured 3D and our high-quality conversion can be seamlessly integrated into any 3D film. However, some vendors are still choosing to take on more than they can reasonably handle while maintaining proper quality. This I feel has negatively impacted the industry.
3D Focus: I have seen a lot of shows recently that have been filmed with stereo rigs and been disappointed with some of the results. At what point do you think (if any) conversion will 100 percent replace stereo filming?
Dr Barry Sandrew: Conversion will never replace stereo filming and stereo filming will never replace conversion—the two will co-exist in a complementary manner.
Even when films are shot in “native” 3D, many times directors and studios rely on 3D conversion to fix “broken” or flat images. We converted several minutes of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides because of issues either with the rigs or less than optimal shooting conditions for the rigs.
I’m certain, however, that as more quality conversion studios, such as Legend3D, continue to produce high-quality work, filmmakers will see the advantages of using 3D conversion as an effective storytelling tool.
3D Focus: I think it is fair to say that conversion is time intensive and costly – where is Legend3D at in terms of television conversion solutions where budgets and time are more restrictive compared to the movies?
Dr Barry Sandrew: Recognising the growing demand for 3D content, we’ve developed a broadcast solution that can convert TV programming at a price point that fits many TV studio budgets. Legend3D is the first studio to develop this type of specialized process.
Previously, the only TV 3D conversion processes available have been automatic, real-time or semi-real time 2D-to-3D conversion. That simply cannot work and will not work. There is too much subjectivity and creativity required in a properly executed conversion process.
We have created a separate pipeline to cater to the unique needs of TV 3D conversion. We’ve already demonstrated our broadcast product to several studios and there has been a remarkably positive response to both the quality and price. With careful planning, we can deliver a high-quality, converted half hour show every week.
3D Focus: There have been mixed thoughts about the Star Wars conversion but I have seen John Carter previews and thought it was excellent. Do you expect future workflow to incorporate conversion in the planning/pre production stage?
Dr Barry Sandrew: As a conversion partner, certainly being part of the pre-production process is a plus but regardless whether the project is a catalog title or first run feature film, high-quality 3D is attainable with the right technology and skilled stereographers. It takes a special knowhow to handle library titles where there are no visual effects assets available to make the job easier. That’s one of our specialties.
3D Focus: Without naming any names, can you say if Legend3D is converting (either as a commercial or trial basis) television shows?
Dr Barry Sandrew: We have been working with one studio to create a TV pipeline for some of its top TV series. We have shown the studio our process on five different TV series that are under consideration for conversion. They not only hold up on the small screen, but on the big screen as well.
3D Focus: What TV shows do you think would warrant conversion? (My personal belief is that Spartacus would be an ideal candidate!)
Dr Barry Sandrew: 3D has way of engaging audiences that transcends any specific genre. As such, I believe any and all shows would be great in 3D. 3D is applicable to everything from comedies and sitcoms such as The Office and Modern Family, and Sci-Fi fantasies such as Battlestar Galactica, Legend of the Seeker, and Game of Thrones.
3D Focus: There has been an explosion in the number of 3D-converted movies this year. Are you concerned that poor conversions might have the same damaging effect poor post Avatar conversions had?
Dr Barry Sandrew: Yes, I will admit that I am slightly concerned. As 3D started to become more ubiquitous in 2011, many conversion companies rushed into the market, and started to churn out poor quality conversion that many critics used as a benchmark to judge all 3D. As critics continue to digest 3D, I hope they will decipher the difference between quality and shoddy conversion so that a standard of acceptance among audiences will emerge.
3D Focus: Although stereo filming should mimic true human 3D perception, often it does not. Why is that? Does conversion mimic true human 3D perception?
Dr Barry Sandrew: As a neuroscientist, I can assure you that there is nothing “native” about native 3D. Neither stereo filming nor conversion can mimic true human perception nor should it.
When filming in 3D, slight variations in luminance and color alignment create artifacts that have to be corrected in post or in more serious situations, need to be recreated via 3D conversion. This is particularly true in over and under camera rigs that can create significant artifact, particularly in highlights. In those rigs, one camera records through a polarized mirror and the other camera records the same scene albeit with disparity via the reflection off that same mirror. That is not “native”. That is not how we see in real life; it’s quite the contrary.
Both shooting in stereo and conversion are creative processes and can be used in any number of ways by the filmmaker to create a desired “storytelling” effect. For more on how the brain perceives 3D, be sure to check out my new blog, “Reflections on the Growth of 3D.”
3D Focus: Would it be practical/viable to offer different extremities of conversion at the consumer end? For example – low, medium, extreme 3D for films? Maybe encoded on a Blu-ray disc as an option?
Dr Barry Sandrew: It’s already practical to adjust the depth of conversion to the size of the screen to get a consistent look and feel. Legend3D has developed technology to successfully manage this function and streamline the conversion process. Many studios are happy to learn that they don’t have to create completely separate 3D versions for theatrical, TV and smart phones.
As a consumer of 3D content, I can attest to this: all of the 3D conversions we have executed play equally well on my HTC Evo3D Smart Phone as they do on the big screen.
3D Focus: At what stage is Legend3D at with Top Gun? What scenes of that film are the most challenging to convert?
Dr Barry Sandrew: Though our 2D-to-3D conversion of the film is complete, unfortunately we’re unable to speak about Top Gun at this time.
3D Focus: If a TV executive is reading this and wanted to trial conversion, what are the processes behind this? What conversation would they need to have with Legend3D?
Dr Barry Sandrew: Simple! Send us DPX files and we’ll return a stunning 3D TV demo that will fit your budget.
3D Focus: Is it correct that, originally conversion was sold as a cost saving exercise compared to filming with stereo cameras? With filming in S3D getting cheaper how will you sell conversion for new releases?
Dr Barry Sandrew: Conversion is still cheaper and will remain cheaper. In fact, at Legend3D, by heavily investing in our 3D pipeline and technology, we have reduced our direct production costs by 50 percent in the past year. But I contend that conversion by the right conversion studio is as good as if not better than shooting in stereo. The best way to “sell” conversion is by simply showing the studios what we can do.
3D Focus: What countries do you expect to be a growth area for Legend3D?
Dr Barry Sandrew: The appetite for theatrically released 3D feature films is intense internationally, even more so than in the U.S. For example, Transformers: Dark of the Moon represented the biggest revenue generator in the history of Chinese box office. I feel this will be a continuing trend until there is a sufficient installed base of 3D entertainment systems in the home. I believe that is going to happen sooner than later. In fact China’s CCTV has announced that it has partnered with Ericsson to create the first 3D channel in China. This will be the first nationwide 3D channel and it is estimated that it has the potential of reaching over 113 million homes.
As 3D is expected to make even more headway in 2012 and global audiences continue to demand high-quality conversion, I think we will see paramount growth—both in the U.S. and abroad.
3D Focus: Are there any quicker/less labour intensive ways to convert frames that could replace the initial roto-scoping?
Dr Barry Sandrew: We don’t rotoscope. I’ve spent the past 25 years developing masking technology for my colorization process that does not involve polys. After our conversion work on Transformers: Dark of the Moon, we revamped our 3D toolset to create an efficient process that allows us to deliver the highest quality conversion, at the most competitive price. Without exception, every visitor from the major studios who has toured Legend3D over the past eight months has been blown away by the comprehensive nature of our process and pipeline. Our project management and asset control system orchestrates every aspect of our pipeline, dramatically reducing human error in all I/O operations and review processes. This and other proprietary labor saving efficiencies are high priorities for us while we continue to maintain and enhance our existing quality standards.
3D Focus: Is Legend3D looking at any other markets that are not conversion related?
Dr Barry Sandrew: I love helping directors enhance their films in stereo. All I can say now is “stay tuned.”
3D Focus: You recently received a round of funding – how will you use that to grow your business?
Dr Barry Sandrew: That round of funding, as well as additional funding, is being used to offer the studios deals similar to Top Gun, a partnership successfully executed between Paramount and Legend3D.
As I looked to expanding our business prior to our latest round of funding, I noticed most studios have an intense interest in 3D and are excited about this new medium, but for various reasons, there is still hesitancy to utilise this new form of storytelling. At Legend3D, we are encouraging studios to explore this new medium by subsidizing the cost of conversion. We are thereby mitigating much of the “risk” that deters some of the studios from exploring the third dimension.
In fact, we are currently finalising two more feature film partnership deals and we are in discussions on another multi-picture deal. The funding is also being used to continuously advance our R&D, ensuring that our conversion work continues to remain synonymous with “quality” throughout the industry.
3D Focus: Are you working on any automated solutions to license out to others?
Dr Barry Sandrew: Much the same as in shooting stereo, conversion is truly a creative process that requires a great deal of subjectivity in its creation and execution. Automated 2D-to-3D conversion does not and will not work with any semblance of quality similar to what Legend3D and our competitors can produce with our separate proprietary methods. Some studios have spent a great deal of time and money exploring the feasibility of automated conversion only to be extremely disappointed—if not disgusted—with the results.
For more information about LEGEND3D visit www.legend3d.com

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