Ultimate 3D events calender launches
With so many 3D exhibitions, movies and seminars scheduled for 2012, 3D Focus has launched the ultimate 3D events calendar so you can see, at a glance, month by month, what is happening in the busy world of 3D!
3D FOCUS EVENTS – A service which will be updated throughout the year, will enable readers to stay on top of what is happening in the world of 3D, augmented reality and virtual reality.
3D Media Releases
You will also be able to check when each 3D movie will be released as well as 3D television premieres and 3D gaming releases. All such events are coded in blue boxes with 3D seminars, conferences, expos and festivals coded in orange boxes.
3D Training
If you are hoping to discover more about 3D production, there are a growing number of 3D production training courses being launched over the year and 3D FOCUS EVENTS will show you which ones are happening – when and where.
We need you!
This is a collaborative effort so if there is an event we have missed, please let us know. Perhaps you are setting up a 3D Meet Up somewhere and would like to tell the readers about it – please tell us! If your event is already listed but you would like to tell the readers more about it, please get in touch and we will ask for the extra information required in order to set up a dedicated page for the event. Email

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