Archive for 3D Film
3D animated music video album set for 2014

Pittsburgh-based singer/songwriter Jeff Boller is creating a ‘music video film’ called Smitten 3D.
SGO releases Madam Butterfly 3D case study

SGO releases a Madam Butterfly 3D case study explaining how the stereo 3D symphony opera film was acheived.
DREDD 3D – BBFC give it highest rating for violence and gore

The British 3D Sci-fi movie DREDD 3D has been rated 18 by the BBFC, a rarity for a 3D movie, although no cuts have been made
Arachnophobe’s worst nightmare to premiere next month

Spiders 3D will receive its world premiere during the opening night of the LA 3D Film Festival on September 20th
Lucasfilm to present Star Wars: Episode 2 3D preview
i Robot 3D to be released October 22nd
3D will keep going says Cineworld
Avatar to be released in UK on 3D Blu-ray….. finally!
Ridley Scott launches 3D short movie competition
James Cameron looks to China for 3D growth
Chinese 3D film questions price of China’s growth via music
Dial M For Murder first of several classic 3D re-releases

Warner Home Video will re-release the Hitchcock classic with improved 3D and upscaled resolution in October with House of Wax 3D to follow.
Independence Day 3D coming summer 2013

Twentieth Century Fox has revealed the studio will be converting the Will Smith 1996 blockbuster Independence Day to 3D for a 2013 re-release